
使用 DynamoDB 的 API 服务器

在本教程中,让我们看看如何使用它来构建一个小型 API,该 API 具有用于插入和检索信息的端点,并由 DynamoDB 支持。

本教程假设您拥有 AWS 和 Deno Deploy 帐户。

概述 跳转到标题

我们将构建一个 API,它只有一个端点,接受 GET/POST 请求并返回相应的信息

# A GET request to the endpoint should return the details of the song based on its title.
GET /songs?title=Song%20Title # '%20' == space
# response
  title: "Song Title"
  artist: "Someone"
  album: "Something",
  released: "1970",
  genres: "country rap",

# A POST request to the endpoint should insert the song details.
POST /songs
# post request body
  title: "A New Title"
  artist: "Someone New"
  album: "Something New",
  released: "2020",
  genres: "country rap",

设置 DynamoDB 跳转到标题

我们过程中的第一步是生成 AWS 凭据以以编程方式访问 DynamoDB。


  1. 转到 https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/ 并转到“用户”部分。
  2. 单击**创建用户**按钮,填写**用户名**字段(可以使用 denamo),然后选择**程序访问**类型。
  3. 单击**下一步**
  4. 选择**直接附加策略**并搜索 AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess。选中结果中此策略旁边的框。
  5. 单击**下一步**和**创建用户**
  6. 在生成的**用户**页面上,单击您刚刚创建的用户。
  7. 单击**创建访问密钥**
  8. 选择**在 AWS 外部运行的应用程序**
  9. 单击*创建*
  10. 单击**下载 .csv 文件**以下载您刚刚创建的凭据。


  1. 转到 https://console.aws.amazon.com/dynamodb 并单击**创建表**按钮。
  2. 在 **表名** 字段中填写 songs,在 **分区键** 字段中填写 title
  3. 向下滚动并点击 **创建表**。
  4. 创建表后,点击表名并找到 **常规信息**。
  5. 在 **Amazon 资源名称 (ARN)** 下,记下新表的区域(例如 us-east-1)。

编写应用程序 跳转到标题

创建一个名为 index.js 的文件并插入以下内容

import {
} from "http://land.deno.org.cn/x/[email protected]/mod.ts";
// AWS has an official SDK that works with browsers. As most Deno Deploy's
// APIs are similar to browser's, the same SDK works with Deno Deploy.
// So we import the SDK along with some classes required to insert and
// retrieve data.
import {
} from "https://esm.sh/@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb";

// Create a client instance by providing your region information.
// The credentials are obtained from environment variables which
// we set during our project creation step on Deno Deploy.
const client = new DynamoDBClient({
  region: Deno.env.get("AWS_TABLE_REGION"),
  credentials: {
    accessKeyId: Deno.env.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"),
    secretAccessKey: Deno.env.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"),

  "/songs": handleRequest,

async function handleRequest(request) {
  // The endpoint allows GET and POST request. A parameter named "title"
  // for a GET request to be processed. And body with the fields defined
  // below are required to process POST request.
  // validateRequest ensures that the provided terms are met by the request.
  const { error, body } = await validateRequest(request, {
    GET: {
      params: ["title"],
    POST: {
      body: ["title", "artist", "album", "released", "genres"],
  if (error) {
    return json({ error: error.message }, { status: error.status });

  // Handle POST request.
  if (request.method === "POST") {
    try {
      // When we want to interact with DynamoDB, we send a command using the client
      // instance. Here we are sending a PutItemCommand to insert the data from the
      // request.
      const {
        $metadata: { httpStatusCode },
      } = await client.send(
        new PutItemCommand({
          TableName: "songs",
          Item: {
            // Here 'S' implies that the value is of type string
            // and 'N' implies a number.
            title: { S: body.title },
            artist: { S: body.artist },
            album: { S: body.album },
            released: { N: body.released },
            genres: { S: body.genres },

      // On a successful put item request, dynamo returns a 200 status code (weird).
      // So we test status code to verify if the data has been inserted and respond
      // with the data provided by the request as a confirmation.
      if (httpStatusCode === 200) {
        return json({ ...body }, { status: 201 });
    } catch (error) {
      // If something goes wrong while making the request, we log
      // the error for our reference.

    // If the execution reaches here it implies that the insertion wasn't successful.
    return json({ error: "couldn't insert data" }, { status: 500 });

  // Handle GET request.
  try {
    // We grab the title form the request and send a GetItemCommand
    // to retrieve the information about the song.
    const { searchParams } = new URL(request.url);
    const { Item } = await client.send(
      new GetItemCommand({
        TableName: "songs",
        Key: {
          title: { S: searchParams.get("title") },

    // The Item property contains all the data, so if it's not undefined,
    // we proceed to returning the information about the title
    if (Item) {
      return json({
        title: Item.title.S,
        artist: Item.artist.S,
        album: Item.album.S,
        released: Item.released.S,
        genres: Item.genres.S,
  } catch (error) {

  // We might reach here if an error is thrown during the request to database
  // or if the Item is not found in the database.
  // We reflect both conditions with a general message.
  return json(
      message: "couldn't find the title",
    { status: 404 },

在您的新项目中初始化 git 并 推送到 GitHub

部署应用程序 跳转到标题


  1. 在您的浏览器中,访问 Deno Deploy 并链接您的 GitHub 帐户。
  2. 选择包含您的新应用程序的仓库。
  3. 您可以为您的项目命名,也可以让 Deno 为您生成一个名称。
  4. 在入口点下拉菜单中选择 index.js
  5. 点击 **部署项目**


在您的项目成功页面或项目仪表盘中,点击 **添加环境变量**。在环境变量下,点击 **+ 添加变量**。创建以下变量

  1. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - 使用您从 CSV 文件中下载的值
  2. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - 使用您从 CSV 文件中下载的值。
  3. AWS_TABLE_REGION - 使用您的表的区域


让我们测试 API。

POST 一些数据。

curl --request POST --data \
'{"title": "Old Town Road", "artist": "Lil Nas X", "album": "7", "released": "2019", "genres": "Country rap, Pop"}' \
--dump-header - https://<project_name>.deno.dev/songs

GET 关于标题的信息。

curl https://<project_name>.deno.dev/songs?title=Old%20Town%20Road

恭喜您学习了如何使用 Deno Deploy 与 DynamoDB!